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Taken by a Dorf: Shemales and ships

by | May 8, 2011 | 2011 Düsseldorf Blog, Uncategorized

Taken by a Dorf: Shemales and ships

by | May 8, 2011 | 2011 Düsseldorf Blog, Uncategorized


I arrived in town to stay! However, already yesterday, I spent my first hour being lost at the central station without a clue of how to get where I wanted to get. So I just went to Euroclub instead, which was quite well visited. The Henkel Saal was opened, so we had some good space to move and dance. I lost some weight after jumping up to the Nor Par, which means I should head to H&M eventually these days…

Took the train back for one more night in Cologne, where I arrived around 6 in the morning, just for 3 hours of sleep, a chat with a friend and picking up a fellow Chatter from the central station.

The train ride was quite.. adventurous. It was packed, it was hot, and it had weird people on bord, one being a hairy-chested Shemale with weird hair, who pretended to be blind and then began playing the Pippi Longstockings theme on the cheap Yamaha-chidren-keyboard under her arm. He/she/it must have thought it’s Eurovision already…

After the multi-delayed train ride we finally reached Düsseldorf (it has like 328 suburb train stations) which is quite well decorated for Eurovision. However, the crowds in the street are taken by football, rather.

I came here with a lot of doubts about the city, and I am not *there* yet, but the ice might eventually break.

For example when you walk by the Rhine (Germany’s river #1), and witness Lena performing “Taken By A Stranger” on the dutch TROS-ship, to be followed by the 3JS with their entry. Hundreds of people watched the happenings from the shore promenade (which is really nice), so did I.

Lena eventually *had* to leave that ship, so I was quick enough to find me a free spot on the terrace.

So there goes my first day in Dorf, which is really a two faced city for me so far. There are a LOT of Assis – the german version of chavs – and there are a LOT of extremely good and rich looking people. And it is kinda a “Dorf” really, a village, and though its central train station has like 20 platforms, the vibe in town is rather provincial.

Will see how and if my picture of Düsseldorf will change in the next days. Stay tuned for much more.

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