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Line-up check 2018: Hungary

by | Apr 18, 2018

Line-up check 2018: Hungary

by | Apr 18, 2018 | 2018 reviews, Eurovision

Hungary: AWS – Viszlát nyár

Shi: It’s always hard to review a song you feel you’re supposed to be the target audience for, and yet it just doesn’t work for you.

I know the genre here is really not for everyone, but it is completely something I’d listen to. True, it’s not uncommon to have bad examples of beloved genres at Eurovision – but in this case I don’t really think the song is bad, yet I still have a hard time relating to it. In part it’s because I don’t like the lead singer’s voice (the color, not the style), and that’s just a personal preference. But musically I do also feel the song falls short a bit in terms of having a memorable melody line and something that can capture the attention of people beyond the obvious target demographic.

Having said that, even if some of Hungary’s audience (like me) will struggle with the above facts, there’s something to be said for being a credibly composed and performed song in a popular enough genre and without much direct competition. For this reason alone, I think Hungary could qualify quite comfortably, and probably could have done so from a more difficult semi if they were the sole representatives of the genre there too.

Prediction: Personal:



Martin: Whereas I’m also the target audience for this and I freaking love it to bits. In fact it makes me so damn happy that this wonderful and difficult song (with the best Eurovision key change of the year, mind you) is taking part in “my” contest. I could cry. Seriously. And if AWS qualify for the final I just might.

Felix: YASSSSSS! Finally something that gives the whole weary Eurovision class of 2018 a kick up the ass. Heartwarming. Love it. Thank you, Hungary. Great stuff. And my 80-year-old mum loves it too.

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