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Gåte from Norway are the winners of ChatVote 2024!

by | Apr 21, 2024 | ChatVote, Featured

Gåte from Norway are the winners of ChatVote 2024!

by | Apr 21, 2024 | ChatVote, Featured

The winner of the 20th annual ChatVote is “Ulveham” by Gåte!

In voting that took place over the past week and during tonight’s live event, our chat community decided that the best song in the upcoming 2024 Eurovision Song Contest is the one representing Norway. Second place was taken by France (“Mon amour” by Slimane) and third place went to Greece (“Zari” by Marina Satti), the two countries having to be separated on a tie-break.

As usual in ChatVote, voting took place in two parts. Firstly, we asked our chatters to submit their top 10 from all 37 of this year’s competing songs in advance. We then called them up in turn to present their votes in the chat – or rather, their top three, to keep some mystery around the proceedings.

Then it was time for the chat-only Supervote, an extra televote-style vote to reflect the taste of those chatters attending the event. Continuing the format we introduced last year, only the top ten songs in the jury vote went forward to the Supervote and were eligible to receive points, so we revealed those ten entries in random order in this video:

After our chatters submitted their “televotes”, we converted them into scores of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80 and 100 points (with two songs receiving zero), then added them to the jury scores to produce the final result.

And, of course, the climax of the event was the presentation of the full results! We started by revealing the full jury classification, Sanremo (or San Marino)-style, from 37th up to 1st:

As you can see, after the jury stage, Italy had a clear but not substantial lead over the nearest contenders, Norway and France – with several other contenders lurking dangerously nearby. That meant we knew the Supervote would be decisive in determining the winner. We revealed those points in an exciting finale as follows:

After all that, our very warmest congratulations go to Gåte, who succeed Teya & Salena and join the long list of past ChatVote winners in our long-established event. This is the second time Norway has won ChatVote, and the previous time – with Margaret Berger – the contest was also held in Malmö! If you want to read a summary of those previous 19 editions of our flagship event, you can do so right here!

Here are the final results of ChatVote 2024 in one graphic:

And last but not least, huge thanks to our #esc chat community for their participation and enthusiasm as always. We hope they – and you – have a brilliant Eurovision Song Contest week with some similarly thrilling results on the scoreboard.

One more time, then: your winner of ChatVote 2024!

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